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Irish Red Cross:
This Christmas the members and delegates in the Irish Red Cross will be looking after older people, sick people, children and prisoners of war at home and overseas.
Christmas cards are for just Euro 4.50 or Euro 6.00 for a pack of eight cards. The Euro 4.50 pack contains smaller cards that are ideal for personal use, while larger cards that are idea for business use, as well as personal use, are on sale for just Euro 6.00. Both packs contain a selection of traditional, modern and religious images. Swedish Red Cross:
The "Hugs for the Lonely" drive, which will run December 1st to 21st, is going national this year after a local Red Cross chapter in Västerås, west of Stockholm, made around 300,000 kronor selling embraces last year. People pay the Red Cross, and the money goes towards helping people, and then for every hug sold, a child gets a hug. The Red Cross also has an E-Shop where they sell cards, presents, calendars and much more and the money goes towards helping people all over the world. You can also donate a certain amount of money to help people e.g. you can pay $10 to help give transport to people who need medical care, or $50 to provide water purification tablets, enough to make 250 liters of safe drinking water, etc.
Akoho sy voanio Chicken with Coconut and Rice
Ingredients: (serves four)
· One chicken
· One coconut / or a can of unsweetened Coconut Milk
· Two tomatoes
· Two onions
· Two cloves of garlic
· 20 grams/0.75 oz of ginger
· some Oil, salt and pepper
Cut the chicken into small pieces and sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper to taste.Slice the tomatoes into small cubes.Slice the Onions.Chop the garlic and ginger very finely.Set all these aside to be used later.
Shred the coconut into a clean cloth. Fold the cloth around the shredded coconut. Wet the cloth using a glass of warm water. Squeeze the cloth and the shredded coconut to extract coconut milk. Discard the shredded coconut. (If you want, you can use a can of unsweetened coconut milk instead)
Add a small amount of oil to a fry pan. Sauté the chicken, over a medium heat, until done. Add the onions to the pan. Continue stirring over medium heat until the onions are brown. Add the ginger, tomatoes, and garlic to the pan. Sauté together briefly over medium heat.
Add coconut milk and mix well. Reduce the heat. Simmer over a low heat for thirty minutes.
Serve with rice and salad.

Christmas in Madagascar means a time of festivities for the people of the island. The day of Christmas is celebrated by the Christian population of Madagascar. Christmas in Madagascar is during the summer months, so picnics and parties are arranged on this day. A common tradition of Christmas in Madagascar is that people visit their elders and other respectable people of the area.

The figure of Santa Claus is a big part of Christmas. There Santa Claus is called 'Dadabe Noely'. The name means Grandfather Christmas and signifies the spirit of the festival. On Christmas day everyone (as well as strangers) greets each other by saying 'Arahaba tratry ny Noely' which means 'Merry Christmas'. One of special Christmas foods in Madagascar are fresh lychees, which are bought from shops and street sellers, fresh from the trees. The streets get covered in lychee skin.